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Editor - Bibliography table

Type Author Year Publication sequence Publication title Publication details
article Xu, Z., & Burns, C. W. 1992   Boeckella spp. feeding on anabaena flos-aquae: Assimilation rates and effect on trichome abundance Acta Hydrobiologica sinica/Shuisheng Shengwu Xuebao, 16(3), 208-214. Retrieved from
article Luzuriaga, d. C. 1998   Contribution to the knowledge of the zooplankton in fresh and brackish waters of the guayas river, guayaquil-ecuador Acta Oceanografica Del Pacifico, 9(1), 171-176. Retrieved from
article Modenutti, B., Queimalinos, C., Balseiro, E., & Reissig, M. 2003   Impact of different zooplankton structures on the microbial food web of a south andean oligotrophic lake Acta Oecologica, 24, S289-S298. doi:
article Pandourski, I. S., & Evtimova, V. V. 2009   Morphological variability and teratology of lower crustaceans (copepoda and branchiopoda) from circumpolar regions Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 61(1), 55-67. Retrieved from
article Wright, S. 1936   A revision of the South American species of Pseudodiaptomus Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ci?ncias 8: 1-24 + pls. 1-3.
article Wright, S. 1937   Two new species of Pseudodiaptomus Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ci?ncias 9: 155-162 + pls. 1, 2.
article Bayly, I., Gibson, J., Wagner, B., & Swadling, K. M. 2003   Taxonomy, ecology and zoogeography of two east antarctic freshwater calanoid copepod species: Boekella poppei and gladioferens antarcticus Antarctic Science, 15(4), 439-448. Retrieved from
article Gibson, J. A. E., & Bayly, I. A. E. 2007   New insights into the origins of crustaceans of antarctic lakes Antarctic Science, 19(2), 157-164. doi:
article Bayliss, P. R., & Laybourn-Parry, J. 1995   Seasonal abundance and size variation in antarctic populations of the cladoceran daphniopsis studeri Antarctic Science, 7(4), 393-394. Retrieved from
article Rhyne, A. L., Ohs, C. L., & Stenn, E. 2009   Effects of temperature on reproduction and survival of the calanoid copepod pseudodiaptomus pelagicus Aquaculture, 292(1-2), 53-59. doi:
article Ohs, C. L., Chang, K. L., Grabe, S. W., DiMaggio, M. A., & Stenn, E. 2010   Evaluation of dietary microalgae for culture of the calanoid copepod pseudodiaptomus pelagicus Aquaculture, 307(3-4), 225-232. doi:
article Campos, H., Steffen, W., Aguero, G., Parra, O., & Zuniga, L. 1992   Limnological studies of lake rupanco (chile). morphometry, physics, chemistry, plankton, and primary productivity Archiv Fuer Hydrobiologie, Supplement, 90(1), 85-113. Retrieved from
article Bruno, M. C., & Perry, S. A. 2004   Exchanges of copepod fauna between surface- and ground-water in the rocky glades of everglades national park (florida, U.S.A.) Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 159(4), 489-510. Retrieved from
article Trochine, C., Modenutti, B., & Balseiro, E. 2005   When prey mating increases predation risk: The relationship between the flatworm mesostoma ehrenbergii and the copepod boeckella gracilis Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 163(4), 555-569. doi:
article Boileau, M. G., & Taylor, B. E. 1994   Chance events, habitat age, and the genetic structure of pond populations Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie.Stuttgart, 132(2), 191-202. Retrieved from

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