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Taxon name Note Reference
Arctodiaptomus dorsalis Arctodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus azevedoi Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus bergi Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus denticulatus Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus falcifer Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus furcatus Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus granulosus Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus macrochaetus Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus neglectus Argyrodiaptomus neglectus is a species of crustacean in the family Diaptomidae. . .
Argyrodiaptomus nhumirim Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus paggi Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus robertsonae Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Argyrodiaptomus spiniger Argyrodiaptomus is a genus of copepods in the family Diaptomidae, containing the following species: . .
Boeckella antiqua Boeckella is a genus of copepods in the family Centropagidae. . .
Boeckella bergi Boeckella is a genus of copepods in the family Centropagidae. . .

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